Ruminations on the Pandemic – The Third Sector….
The COVID 19 pandemic has only reinforced the merits of the triad model of engagement for economic and social development and in dealing with the Covid19 crisis threatening life itself. The triad involves the participation of the Government, Private and the Third sector- including a motley of civil society organisations , philanthrophys, ngos etc . The third sector is probably , truly not just a fair weather craft….it comes in to fill gaps & when the going gets tough. Alongside a free vaccine policy if civil society steps in to address shortfalls ,demand supply mismatches, it results in an additional crucial component called social capital. This may be considered to be priceless for it is symbolic of caring for fellow human beings and a community cohesion. At grass root level a local political worker’s attempt to fill in the gaps by providing online access to residents in the area to get their online appointments for the vaccines shots is also to be appreciated.
What the Private sector can do is another matter altogether . One read of a corporate proposal to continue to pay salaries of the COVID 19 deceased employees until their respective age of retirement to their dependents.. There may be many innovative need based creative voluntary interventions perhaps within its limits.
Going forward one may expect various impediments for the continuation of capital flows as before the Pandemic ( already we see some step back in the 0.7% aid commitment ). In general with all due care, easing of capital flows may become necessary. The third sector could probably play a more supportive role to governments in mobilising resources for a post pandemic reconstruction . The IBRD -World Bank was set up for postwar reconstruction. The pandemic reconstruction is conceptually n times more challenging than post war reconstruction because it involves the whole hetrogenous world. (210 countries affected by COVID 19 as of 13 July 2021 Statista -WWII affected countries 30 est. ) Add the Damocles Sword of Climate Change and Rising Inequality .
( Global absolute Gini 290 in 1950 1000 in 2019 this is only income not wealth UN WIDER WP2021/61)