Old age finance mechanisms for new age technology solutions; some thoughts..
Both digital and physical infrastructure creation are the needs of the current times. The financial impacts on various segments in the economy is one of a disruption brought about by the Covid19 pandemic and its erratic behavior . Liquidity is the first casualty . Financing really involves now not only risk assessments but financing in the face of uncertainties. Looking at the in general impacts on liquidity all around , uncertainties on resumption/ growth in economic activities and therefore fiscal buoyancies and earnings juxtaposed with the legacy of debt ,the need at present maybe for long term working capital finance- more for a cash flow deficit financing rather than asset financing and continuation perhaps of back ended repayment schedules with greater moratoriums.
Assuming 3D printed technology can viably create physical infrastructure say for primary schools in rural semi urban areas, thinking of some old age financing options in the current context. As an illustration – the Technology and printer provider “sells one gives one free(!) matter of negotiation” for pilot projects to centre or state government. Suppliers credit backed sale perhaps. Based on a priority ordering ,state government has operating leases with local bodies where school infrastructure has to be built. At the apex level perhaps a line of credit or guarantees to enable government funding/acquisition of these 3D printers. The details of structuring such operating leases would depend on obvious technical , project features and financial factors.
In the case of digitalization access/availability currently predominantly through mobiles, quality/speed and cost factors are important for efficient experiences. While a “ progressive” consumer finance is pertinent , some innovation beyond what is already available on e commerce sites from vendors perhaps is required. To reach those that do not have mobile internet or cannot afford data plans some bundling through microfinance routes is possible. Whether satellite based internet whose arrival is awaited in India will address both efficiency and reach and to what extent ,remains to be seen.